
What are pleated blinds?

Pleated blinds are a versatile option for use throughout the home, and are especially popular for garden rooms, conservatory blinds and bifold door blinds.

Similar in principle to roller blinds, they use zigzag-folded fabric in place of a roll, allowing the blind to be dropped easily into place when you want privacy, security or darkness.

With an extensive range of designer fabrics featuring different colours, patterns, blackout and thermal properties, you can customise your pleated blinds to perfectly match your property.

How do pleated blinds work?

Pleated blinds consist of a solid panel of fabric, folded back and forth concertina-style. When the blinds are retracted, the folds are pressed against one another, compacting the fabric into a short space at the top of the blind.

When the blind is extended, the weight of the fabric pulls it flat, opening out the folds to create a solid blind that covers some or all of the window.

By controlling how far the blind is lowered, you can partially shade the window, to block out the glare of the sun when it's high up, without shutting out diffuse daylight.

How do you clean pleated blinds?

There are several ways to clean pleated blinds, none of which are difficult:

• For routine cleaning, use a feather duster or microfibre duster to remove light surface dust.

• For occasional cleaning, use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner, on a low suction setting.

• For detail cleaning, use a damp cloth or sponge to lift surface residue - avoid chemicals that might stain or bleach the fabric.

If your blinds need even more rigorous cleaning, it's easy to remove them from the frame and treat any stains before hanging them back up.

Always be careful about using chemicals that could harm or bleach the fabric, and keep water to a maximum of about 30C, and your blinds should be fine.

Are pleated blinds any good?

Yes! Pleated blinds are versatile and have some excellent properties, for example they can be made into shapes making them ideal for conservatories or any other room with irregular shaped windows.

Pleated blinds are compatible with the Louvolite Perfect Fit system, giving an even tighter fit around the edges of the blind to shut out more of the light.

You can also automate your pleated blinds, using Louvolite One Touch for remote control, app or smart speaker operation.

Find out more

To find out more about Louvolite pleated blinds, please visit your local Louvolite dealer who will be happy to discuss these and our other ranges, including pleated Perfect Fit blinds and pleated One Touch motorised blinds.

You can order fabric samples via our website. Just visit our Samples page and choose our Cellular & Pleated Blinds range to see all of our current pleated blind fabrics, with full details about the energy-saving, UV blocking and blackout characteristics of each.

If there's anything else you'd like to know, just ask. You can find your nearest Louvolite stockist using our quick and easy postcode search, and our dealers are always happy to help with any enquiries.
